On-Chain Reputation Score

Creating growth marketing decentralized identities

One of the pain points of running a B2B service business is standardizing the quality of service that each client receives.

Myosin DAO’s interview process takes the best approaches from over three decades of experience from the world’s top agencies and startup studios to identify, vet and onboard talent into the Myosin ecosystem.

Additionally, in order to maintain a standard of quality throughout the lifecycle of a contributor’s membership, the DAO sends out net promoter score (NPS) surveys to collect scores from clients as well as project teammates (Peer reviews & Coordinape).

In order to align incentives to co-operate in a repeat game, we are implementing an Net Promoter Score to rate fellow team mates and for clients to rate individual members of the team. More specifically, this is why NPS reputations matter so much in our DAO:

"In this way, the threat of punishment in a future round incentivizes a collaborative, non-equilibrium strategy in the first round. Because the final round of any finitely repeated game, by its very nature, removes the threat of future punishment, the optimal strategy in the last round will always be one of the game's equilibria. "

Nash equilibrium in Repeat Games, according to modern Game Theory

Poor consecutive NPS scores (7 or below) from either clients or team members will trigger a review and re-interview process from community moderators to determine if the member is still a good fit for Myosin DAO.

After a member has completed 5 projects: the client-facing NPS scores will be minted on-chain as a non-fungible token on the Layer-2 Polygon network.

This will enable Myosin.xyz members to enter other Web 3 communities with an on-chain reputation score that signals their skills as a growth marketer. We believe that these skills-based NFTs will contribute to the larger trend of decentralizing identity through the use of other on-chain POAPs and reputation management NFTs.

Last updated