Web3 Affiliate Network

Building the future of affiliate marketing.

Influencers and affiliate marketing is quite nascent in the web3 space, and mostly tied around NFT mints. There are affiliate marketing platforms in web3, but none have dominated market share quite yet, and the market is still quite new.

We see a tremendous opportunity to aggregate and curate top tier influencers and affiliates and leverage their collective braintrust and networks to promote our best and most promising clients, and for both sides, build on-chain record of conversions for on-chain (and eventually off chain events).

This network will also be OWNED by the existing network and community, leveraging web3 once again to create better incentive alignments for top performers. While there are existing affiliate networks out there, we want to focus on curating top-notch quality (just like with Myosin) on both sides of the platform, and progressively scaling from there. It’s still incredibly early in the space, and not a winner takes all market. We also see large opportunities to tie this into our D3PAS, as well as our DSP, in the coming months and year.

💰 Potential Customers

  • web3 projects - Platforms, DeFi protocols, Games, NFT projects, and other web3 projects that want to drive more conversions with an incentive-aligned model through affiliate marketing with top influencers and KOLs

  • Web 2 brands - Brands that want to enter web3 and work with influencers and KOLs within web3 to promote and sell out any projects with on-chain attributes, such as NFT drops, etc.

Reach out to us for more details on how we are building and going to market with this SaaS product.

Last updated