Membership & Governance

All DAO members are required to hold $MYO to join Myosin DAO, upon being approved through an interview process. By doing so they are able to use their $MYO to access the benefits of membership and participate in DAO governance. The $MYO requirement is also in addition to holding a membership DID, with more information to be found in our internal membership documents.

Members can also earn more $MYO, proportionate to their participation in the DAO and their manner of participation (ex. Bounties, projects, DAO leadership roles).

$MYO + a membership DID unlocks:

  • Participation in the Myosin Discord server

  • Access crypto bounties and projects

  • Ability to initiate and vote on governance proposals

  • Ability to access key documentation, templates, case studies, and tooling

  • Ability to participate in the broader and fast-growing Myosin ecosystem

Last updated